Saturday, September 27, 2014

Golden Autumn Elegance

Golden Autumn Elegance

This may not be a picture of wire wrapped sea glass jewelry for starters today,  but I want to share with you what I see when I go on my walks down to the river. It is on these walks that I get exercise, and refresh my brain. For me, doing things like going on walks in nature is where new ideas are captured from the ever giving universe. 

Autumn Serenity river reflections 

All I am discovering now is that a little bit of change can go a long way.It is interesting to observe how it sometimes takes a long plateau time of doing the same thing and then at some point, from some where a spark of a new idea put into action starts a whole new movement of activity. 

Sea Glass Bracelet with repurposed vintage coins

I've been making a new type of jewelry out of pieces of sea glass that just weren't moving.  They were fine, but something was lacking. Just don't ask me what. That is beyond my simple mind. 

Wire Wrapped Aquamarine Sea Glass Necklace with vintage buffalo coin

In this case, its putting together pieces in different ways. I am doing it with my jewelry parts and I'm attempting to apply my internet knowledge and skills to this idea. It isn't something that is done in one day. No way. It is a long path of experimenting, learning and implementation.

Click this link to purchase this elegant necklace

I think these two pieces go together well as a set

Thanks for visiting.

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